For Life

Today I came across a story about a 25 year old abortion counselor who filmed her own abortion procedure in order to show others that apparently, this is a good thing.  In the article she talks about how great she feels about the decision.  She likens it to giving birth and said she feels no remorse, no guilt at all.  She had gotten pregnant accidentally and decided she wasn’t ready to have children yet.  I read this story and wanted to just cry.

My heart aches for this woman and my prayers go out to her and the numerous women like her who have been deceived into believing the lie that is abortion.  The millions of people who have bought the devil’s tales of how killing babies is a good thing.

Just last week there was a news story about a pit-bull that mauled a young boy.  Animal rights activists rallied to the dog’s defense saying that it was the owner’s fault, not the dog.  They won and the dog was “sentenced” to life in prison rather than being put down.  What does it say about our society that we will rally and fight to protect the life of a dog who mauled a little boy because it was not his fault, and at the same time will kill millions of unborn precious babies, despite the fact that they haven’t done a single thing wrong?

Every life is precious.  From the moment of conception to natural death.  The devil may try to make us feel silly for believing this.  He might work to make us feel like we are old-fashioned or behind the times.  But we cannot believe his lies.  Together we must take a stand for life.  I pray for all the women who are facing this decision, that their hearts be open to life!  I pray for the women who have had an abortion, that they find healing and forgiveness.  I pray for those in power in our society, that they might take a stand for life.  And I pray for all the precious little babies who never had a chance to live here on earth, that surrounded by God’s glory in Heaven, they are filled with a love and joy beyond our comprehension.

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10 thoughts on “For Life

  1. 9jaime May 6, 2014 at 4:00 pm Reply

    So often I have been astounded that society protects animals more than children! Obviously, cruelty to animals is wrong, but human life is much more important!!

  2. I Give God all the Glory May 6, 2014 at 9:08 pm Reply

    Amen – I stand in prayer with you 🙂

  3. theraineyview May 9, 2014 at 10:19 pm Reply

    She likened it to birth because it was birth — the birth of a dead child. I pray for her and everyone who ever sees the video. Mother Mary, pray for all mothers and all children.

  4. SR May 14, 2014 at 7:39 pm Reply

    Good post Rose. You know back in the 80″s I was driving to work and talking with God about abortion. He said in my spirit, “They have been killing My babies since the beginning of time.” Immediately I went to the Hebrew children which were killed in Egypt as far back as the OT. I also went to the book of Amos where Scripture says, “They were taking babies from the mother’s wombs.” Then of course the murdering of the innocent when Jesus was born. I begin to realize how true it was, humanity has “always been killing God’s babies.” They are His, and I remember in the book of Amos He told them “their nation would suffer the storms of the whirlwinds” because of it. 300 tornados hit this nation a few years back, and they continue to come. They always make me think of that passage. Humans killing innocent humans. Will we never learn? God Bless, SR

    • rosesnearrunningwaters May 14, 2014 at 8:05 pm Reply

      It is true and just so tragic. I pray for the day when we finally realize how precious the gift if life is and all work together to protect it.

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