Tag Archives: Christmas

Advent and the Joy of Christmas


joy (Photo credit: nsdis)

In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Matthew 3:1-2

While John the Baptist was preparing the way for Jesus, there was a frenzy!  We read that “the people of Jerusalem and all Judea were going out to him, and all the region along the Jordan” (Mt. 3:5)  Imagine the crowds!  They were seeking him out from all over.  Even the Pharisees and Sadducees came to him, despite the fact that they did not fully believe in what he was saying.  But still they came.

These people did not know Jesus.  They did not know the sacrifice He would make.  They did not yet know He is our Savior.  We know Jesus!  We know about His birth, His ministry, His miracles, His  death and resurrection.  We know that sacrifice He made and we know He will come again!  That knowledge is what fills us with hope, peace, love, and joy this Advent season. 

As we wait and prepare our hearts we should be exploding with joy!  Joy that we can share with others to let them know this is not just any ordinary time…this is a very special time of year!  One of the ways many people share that joy as we prepare for Christmas is through Christmas carols, twinkling lights, baking cookies, decorating the tree, sending Christmas cards, buying presents to surprise those we love, and so on.

It can seem that Advent contradicts the frenzied Christmas atmosphere that has been abundant since Thanksgiving.  That the early onset of constant Christmas music, decorations, and chaotic shopping malls are the opposite of Advent preparation.  But I disagree.  All the music, the decorations, the crowds, the commotion…that is what happens when you prepare for something special!

The season of Advent is all about waiting and preparing.  We pray, repent, spend quiet time in reflection over God’s word.  But as we prepare we are also called to lead the way for the celebration of Christmas!  John the Baptist’s voice rang out in the desert calling out to people as he prepared the way for Jesus! 

We need to do the same.  To call out to people, to let them know something wonderful is coming.  If our joy is authentic, it will become infectious.  And as we prepare for Christmas and for Christ to come again, we should want that joy to spread to everyone! 

Let us pray that through our joyous preparation this Advent season, we will lead those around us to a happy and holy Christmas.  Even if, as the Pharisees and Sadducees, they celebrate in our joy without fully believing or understanding the reason  Even if they are more concerned with elves on shelves and doorbuster deals and Santa…let our joy in Christ be so contagious that they can’t help but journey out of the malls and secular Christmas preparations to see what all the fuss is truly about.

This Advent, let us all prepare the way of the Lord not only in the quiet moments we spend alone with God, but in our everyday actions with everyone around us by spreading hope, love, peace, and the joy that can be found only in Christ with everyone we meet.

“Proclaiming Christ means showing that to believe in and to follow him is not only something right and true, but also something beautiful, capable of filling life with new splendour and profound joy, even in the midst of difficulties.”
~Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium” (“The Joy of the Gospel”) November 24, 2013

Waiting in Hope

AdventThis past Sunday began the celebration of Advent – a time of waiting.  We wait for the celebration of Christ’s birth as well as for Him to come again.  The first candle of the Advent wreath symbolizes hope.  And so our season begins with us waiting not anxiously, fearfully, or impatiently; but waiting in hope.

I am not very good at waiting.  I get excited!  My mind drifts and I daydream of things to come in the future.  I find myself daydreaming about a house, a family, traditions we will continue, new ones we will start, and so on.  Sometimes these daydreams lead to worries.  What if our plans don’t work out the way we intended? How long will we have to wait for these dreams to be realized?

Advent comes at a perfect time for me this year.  It is so helpful for me to be reminded that I am not alone as I wait.  Indeed the whole Church is waiting together for Christ.  This comforts me and renews my faith as I feel surrounded by the Holy Spirit.

As we wait for Christmas we should be filled with hope!   We are awaiting such a wonderful celebration – the celebration of the birth of our Savior!  How glorious!  This joyous celebration renews our hearts and souls.  And it all begins by waiting with hope.

We are all on a journey.  All waiting for something.  But the things that we wait for in this world cannot compare to the beauty and wonder that awaits us in the next when we are with our Lord in Heaven forever.  As we begin our Advent, let us all be reminded of His love for us and be filled with the hope that is found only in Christ as we wait in hope for our prayers to be hears, for our Christmas celebration, and as we wait for the Lord to come again.

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope”  Psalm 130:5

Sing a Song of Christmas

Christmas Day has come and gone and we have entered into the New Year. Back to work, back to the routine. And it seems that, for the most part, Christmas itself is gone. Many people have taken down Christmas decorations already. The Christmas tree in our office at work has been put away. The radio stations are no longer playing those joyful Christmas melodies. And it has only been a week yesterday since Christmas! In the Catholic faith, the season has only just begun, but in the secular world that surrounds us, it has already ended and the stores are gearing up for Valentine’s Day!

In my house I leave my decorations up through Epiphany, the day we celebrate the arrival of the three wise men to see our Lord in Bethlehem. The tree still gets lit every night. Christmas music still plays. The stockings are still hung and the Nativity sets are still proudly displayed. After all, why put away my display of those three kings coming to greet our Savior before we even celebrate it! After Epiphany Sunday, I will take down the lights, back away the tree, and return my house to its “normal” state. A part of me gets sad every time I take down the Christmas décor. It is so fun to see all the ornaments and reminisce about who gave them to us for what occasion or who might have made this for us a Christmas long ago. I love to set up the nativity set which is the same old set of wooden figures that we set up in our home as a child. I love to find the perfect place to place my other manger scenes that my Grandmother has given to me over the years. I find such joy in stringing lights and garland on the tree with my husband (even when we discover that one stubborn bulb has once again caused the entire strand to go out!) I love making Christmas cookies with family and friends, singing Christmas carols, and watching all the Christmas movies I can get my hands on! I love setting up the Advent wreath and lighting the candles each night at our table, adding one every week as we wait for Christmas. I love shopping for my loved ones, sending Christmas cards, and going to Christmas Eve Mass. When the season brings me such joy…why would I want it to end?

What if we kept the tree up all year? What if we were the crazy neighbors who left Christmas lights on through the summer? I know what would happen. I would become bored with the tree. The lights wouldn’t bring me as much joy when they twinkled. As Christians we are called to keep the spirit of Christmas alive in our hearts throughout the whole year. So why not leave these Christmas reminders up all year round? Because that is not Christmas. Those lovely traditions, decorations, and lights are not what Christmas is. They serve as a reminder that the Christmas season is special. Holy. Worthy of that extra cheer, goodwill, and love that surrounds the season. We decorate to visually elevate the spirit of Christmas that should already be present within us! While we strive to maintain this joy in our hearts all year, we are only human. We face trials, times of sorrow, of heartache. During these times throughout the year, we may lose sight of that star over Bethlehem. By the time December rolls around again, as the song says, “We need a little Christmas right this very minute!” To refresh our hearts and souls and to show the world that the Christmas spirit is not gone!

My family has attended Christmas Eve Mass every year since we were old enough to stay awake. While many churches have switched to a 10:00 pm service instead of the traditional midnight, my parents’ church in Georgia has not. We got dressed up in our finest to go to God’s house and celebrate the birth of His Son. We arrived early to make sure our large family could all sit together. And as we prayed and waited for the Mass to begin, the choir sang beautiful Christmas carols. It was absolutely beautiful. Throughout Mass we sang together and prayed together with the special joy and peace that Christmas brings. When it came time for Holy Communion, we sang and sang and sang through every verse of one, then two, then three, and finally a fourth Christmas song! We prayed as we sang while so many people approached the altar to take the Body and Blood of Our Lord. As I sat in the pew praying and singing with my husband, my three sisters, and my parents, I couldn’t help but meditate on the singing. What a beautiful form of prayer song is. I could just picture the angels in all their splendor singing along with the whole congregation. I imagined the angels taking our beautiful songs as beams of joy and light and lifting them all the way up to God. I imagined all of creation singing. The birds, the wind in the trees, the waves on the shore, the rain that falls, even the quiet song of the gentle snow. And I thought how happy it must make God to see us all here singing the praises of His wonder and glory and celebrating the awesome birth of His only Son, our Savior. I imagine that in heaven we will all sing all the time with a never-ending joy!

And then I realized. This is how I should keep Christmas in my heart throughout the year. The feeling of peace, joy, pure happiness and love for our Lord and for my family as we all sat together. This is what I want to feel in my heart throughout the year. And I don’t need my Christmas tree, or stockings, or twinkling lights to remind me of that. I only need to close my eyes, take a deep breath, and see again that picture of all creation in songs of praise to the Lord.

And so I have decided for my New Year’s Resolution to be one of song. To keep Christmas in my heart by keeping Christ Himself in my heart and at the center of my life in all that I do. To remind myself daily of the joy that I found in those beautiful Christmas songs all season and especially during that wonderful Midnight Mass. To sing to the Lord the whole year long, not just in church. Whether it is the familiar Christmas carols, the upbeat praise of Christian Rock, hymns from Mass, or simply the song of my own prayers to God. Whether the songs actually come out of my lips to be heard by others, or whether it is a silent song within myself, to offer up my praise, the prayers, my hopes, and even my struggles to God as a song. To greet everyone with a song in my heart. To approach life itself as though there is music within me! This is how I want to keep the spirit of the season throughout the year! Christmas Day may have ended, the Christmas season my come to an end, but I am making a resolution to keep this joy going through the music of the angels all year. To picture myself singing with the angels in a never-ending hymn of praise and thanksgiving to our awesome and loving God. The true song of Christmas. The song of Christ’s love for us. And with this song of joy within me, I pray that I might be able to shine that joy and love to those around me as I share His love for us in my thoughts, my actions, and my words, the whole year through.

An Advent Poem


Waiting with joy
With hope
With great anticipation.

Waiting for peace.
Waiting for Love
Waiting for Joy.

We wait

For loved ones to come home.
For wars to end.
For peace on earth.
For romance.
For love.
For new life.

We wait.

To be together.
To laugh together
To cry together
To remember the past
To look forward to the future
To celebrate.

We Wait.

To celebrate our blessings
Our togetherness
Our hopes
Our dreams.

To celebrate a Baby.
A Baby born in Bethlehem
Many years ago.

A beautiful little Baby
So small
So precious
So innocent
So glorious.

A Baby to warm our hearts
To show us the way
To bring us peace
And love
And joy.

A Baby to bring us everlasting life.

Waiting with joy
To celebrate the Baby
The precious Baby Jesus
The very Son of God.

We wait.

Waiting with hope
With great anticipation
For Him to come again
In all His glorious majesty.

Waiting to share
In His everlasting peace
His everlasting love
His everlasting joy

With our loved ones
With the Angels
With the Saints.

With our Father
With His Son
With the Holy Spirit

Together forever
In the never-ending love
Everlasting Peace
Endless Beauty
Overflowing Joy

The joy of the Lord
Surrounded with His love
Forever and Ever in Heaven
All because of a Baby.

We wait.