Tag Archives: Waiting

An Advent Poem

I wrote this poem for Advent a few years back and wanted to share it again as we start another Advent season.


roses near running waters


Waiting with joy
With hope
With great anticipation.

Waiting for peace.
Waiting for Love
Waiting for Joy.

We wait

For loved ones to come home.
For wars to end.
For peace on earth.
For romance.
For love.
For new life.

We wait.

To be together.
To laugh together
To cry together
To remember the past
To look forward to the future
To celebrate.

We Wait.

To celebrate our blessings
Our togetherness
Our hopes
Our dreams.

To celebrate a Baby.
A Baby born in Bethlehem
Many years ago.

A beautiful little Baby
So small
So precious
So innocent
So glorious.

A Baby to warm our hearts
To show us the way
To bring us peace
And love
And joy.

A Baby to bring us everlasting life.

Waiting with joy
To celebrate the Baby
The precious Baby Jesus
The very Son of God.

We wait.

Waiting with hope
With great anticipation

View original post 76 more words

The Wait


 Holy Saturday.  Can you imagine for a moment the feelings those first disciples of Christ must have had on this day?   They had spent the past three years following this man.  Learning from Him, loving Him, and coming to know that He was the Son of God.  Just a week earlier they were filled with such hope and excitement as they joyously followed Him into Jerusalem proclaiming “Hosanna!”  How much changed in that one week!  Their excitement turned to confusion and fear as He spoke of His coming death.  In that upper room for the Last Supper they saw Him begin His sacrifice by offering His body and blood in the bread and the wine.  They wanted to remain with Him and followed Him to the garden but could not keep awake.

Then the arrest.  In that instant fear took hold and most of the disciples scattered.  Those who remained followed at a distance as their Lord was taken away like a criminal, though He had done no wrong.  And on that Friday, Jesus,  their teacher, their friend, their Lord, died.  They were afraid and troubled.  They hid themselves in the upper room with the doors locked.

Filled with sorrow and fear, they hid.  Where they had hope before they now felt lost and confused.  Everything seemed dark.  Did they wonder, how can we possibly go on?  Did they recall His promises of rebuilding the Temple in three days?  Did they dare to hope in their hearts that this would be fulfilled?  Or did the fear overcome the flicker of hope so that they forced themselves not to think on it so as not to be disappointed?

How do we celebrate Holy Saturday today? Most of us probably use the day to prepare for Easter tomorrow.  Preparing food and getting the house ready for visits with famiky and friends perhaps.  We know that Good Friday was not the end!  We know that Jesus Christ lives!  With this knowledge we can go about today not in fear or confusion but in hope and excitement as we prepare for the wondrous celebration of Easter!

What about other times of waiting though?  All of us face those in between periods.  Those times when things seem dark, when hope seems lost, when we feel confused and do not know where to turn next.  While we wait for His plan to unfold in our own lives, do we wait in fear and hide ourselves away?  Do we let the hope within us fade so that even when the wonder of God is right before our eyes we still doubt it in our hearts?  Or do we face our own times of waiting filled the hope and peace of Christ?

We know that Christ is Risen!  It seems easier to celebrate this time of waiting on Holy Saturday since we know the outcome.  Even if we do not know the outcome of whatever it is we may be waiting for here on earth, we know that Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again!  He conquered sin and death and by His wounds we have been healed!  This wondrous love is what awaits us.  Though we may not know what will happen from day to day as we wait for answers to our earthly questions and worries, we know the One who is in control.  We know the immense love He has for us all, the love that was shown on the cross.  We know that He has a plan for each of us greater than we could imagine for ourselves, even if we cannot see it yet.  By following in His footsteps and accepting the love He poured out for us on the cross, we know that we have so much more to look forward to: eternity in Heaven with our Savior!

As excruciating as Good Friday was for those first disciples, as sorrowful as that first Holy Saturday, it was not the end.  The pain and sorrow turned to a greater joy than they could have imagined.  A peace beyond all understanding and hope beyond any they had known before came to them in the Risen Lord.

We will all face tough times here on earth.  Times of sorrow, times of doubt,  of worry, confusion, of frustration with the waiting. But we can find peace and hope while we wait.  Because in the midst of all our trials, Christ is still there.  And the love that He has for us will never die.  As we continue our celebration of the Triduum, I pray that we can look to Easter with a hope and peace that fills every part of our being.  I pray that we will carry the love and joy of Easter within our hearts as a promise to us all that the “Saturdays” in our lives, those dark and confusing times of waiting, those will come to and end! I pray that we may strive daily to live our lives not in fear or confusion, not in sorrow or pain, but in the glorious hope and peace of Christ and His wondrous love.  May the peace of Christ be with us all and may each of you enjoy a very blessed, a very joyous, and a very hope-filled Easter.

The Peace of Winter


Snowfall (Photo credit: Ollie T.)

Yesterday as I left work and began to brush the snow off my car, I found myself marveling at the shimmer coming from the flakes.  It was only about 18 degrees (F) and it was what I refer to as sparkly snow.  The kind of snow that stays light and fluffy and sparkles in so many places it looks magical.  I looked on my coat and could see the perfectly shaped snow crystals still holding their individual beauty even once they had come to rest.  The sun was setting and the gray sky had a faint touch of pink to it as the tiny sparkly snow fell to the ground.  As I sat in my car waiting for it to warm up a tad before beginning the drive home, I felt such peace.

Our winters have much in common with the season of Advent.   There is the excitement of the freshly fallen snow,  sledding, making snowmen and snow angels.  But, like Advent, it is also a time of waiting.  Waiting for spring.  For new plants to come to life, for warmer weather, for sunnier days.

Many times we wait through winter rather impatiently.  We long for the days when you don’t need to bundle up just to get the mail.  We whine and complain about shoveling, slippery roads, high heating bills, and the gray gloomy skies.  We wait and we wait for spring!

But once spring arrives, it isn’t long before we begin to complain about the rain and yearn for the full warmth of summer.  And once the summer is fully upon us?  We complain about the heat and are desperate for fall!  We are constantly waiting for the next season to come.  And it is not only the weather that brings this out in us.  In all aspects of our lives, we seem to be constantly looking forward to the “next thing.” 

In high school and can’t wait to move out and go to college.  In college we can’t wait to graduate and get a job.  We “can’t wait” for marriage, then babies, then a house, more money, better cars, vacations, retirement…and on and on it goes.

The only thing that can keep us content as we wait through winter, through Advent, or through anything in life, is peace.  The 2nd week of Advent focuses on peace.  We need the peace of Christ in our lives.  It is the only thing that gives us rest, that allows us to enjoy the moment rather than rush into what’s next.  The peace of Christ allows our hearts to become still amidst the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season or of any time in our lives.  His peace enters into our hearts and quiets our thoughts.  It opens our eyes to the glorious beauty and wonder around us and lets us soak in God’s goodness without worrying about what lies ahead.

As I look out at the Frosty Footpath - winter snowsnow, I feel at peace.  The snow covered ground silences the noise as the perfect little flakes quietly come down to earth.  The sparkling, glistening snow is so serene, so perfect.  It is a beautiful visual of Christ’s peace in this hectic world we live in.

This Advent season, let us pray that the peace of Christ fill our hearts and souls so that we may be able to simply stop and wait, enjoy the moments we have and see God’s grace and beauty surrounding us.

Waiting in Hope

AdventThis past Sunday began the celebration of Advent – a time of waiting.  We wait for the celebration of Christ’s birth as well as for Him to come again.  The first candle of the Advent wreath symbolizes hope.  And so our season begins with us waiting not anxiously, fearfully, or impatiently; but waiting in hope.

I am not very good at waiting.  I get excited!  My mind drifts and I daydream of things to come in the future.  I find myself daydreaming about a house, a family, traditions we will continue, new ones we will start, and so on.  Sometimes these daydreams lead to worries.  What if our plans don’t work out the way we intended? How long will we have to wait for these dreams to be realized?

Advent comes at a perfect time for me this year.  It is so helpful for me to be reminded that I am not alone as I wait.  Indeed the whole Church is waiting together for Christ.  This comforts me and renews my faith as I feel surrounded by the Holy Spirit.

As we wait for Christmas we should be filled with hope!   We are awaiting such a wonderful celebration – the celebration of the birth of our Savior!  How glorious!  This joyous celebration renews our hearts and souls.  And it all begins by waiting with hope.

We are all on a journey.  All waiting for something.  But the things that we wait for in this world cannot compare to the beauty and wonder that awaits us in the next when we are with our Lord in Heaven forever.  As we begin our Advent, let us all be reminded of His love for us and be filled with the hope that is found only in Christ as we wait in hope for our prayers to be hears, for our Christmas celebration, and as we wait for the Lord to come again.

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope”  Psalm 130:5

I Know God Has a Plan

I know God has a plan.

I know God has a plan.

know God has a plan.

I keep saying this over and over to myself.  I know it is true.  And I keep praying with all my heart for patience as I wait for what He has in store for me.  But the waiting is hard.  And I have never been great with patience!  Perhaps God is teaching me…

Something I have alluded to but have not had the courage to write about until now is our struggle to become parents.  It has been harder than I ever imagined.  I have never been a career motivated person.  Instead, I always dreamed, hoped, and prayed to find the man God intended for me and become a wife and mother.  I have been so very very blessed to find my amazing husband and I thank God every day for bringing him into my life.  He is so kind, caring, and has such strong faith in God’s plan for us.  I can’t fathom being on this journey without my husband’s understanding and strength.

But it doesn’t take away the hurt.  Today is the 11th time I have been disappointed to discover that we are not yet pregnant.  I know some people have been going through this much longer and my heart goes out to them!  The trouble is that, try is I might, I cannot keep it from my mind for very long.  Friends become pregnant.  There seem to be pregnant women and babies everywhere!  Everywhere except here.  People innocently ask when we will have children.  I plaster on a smile and give some generic comment about seeing when the timing is right.  People who know my struggle tell me to just keep waiting.  It will happen.  And I try my hardest to believe them but the pain is still there. I see story after story about children abused, babies aborted and I can’t help but think…How does this make sense?  

I have never prayed so hard as I have in the past several months.  Yet, as trying as it has been, I feel I have grown so much stronger in my faith through it all.  As confused as I am, as much as I wonder what in the world God has in store for me, and as badly as it pains me, I know that God has a plan.  I feel His peace wash over me as I wipe away tears.  I feel His arms holding me as my arms ache to hold a baby.  

There have been times where I doubt what I am meant to do in my life.  Am I truly meant to be a mother?  Or should I try to find something else to do with my life?  Each time I feel this question bubbling up, I feel God reassuring me that I am made to be a mother.  I do not know when it will happen.  I do not know how.  We are certainly not opposed to adoption but we are not at that point in our journey yet.  For now, I just keep praying with all my heart for strength, guidance, and peace as we continue on our journey.  I know that God has a plan for me that will be far greater than anything I could imagine.  And I know in my heart that I will be a mother one day.  I long for the day when I can hold my child in my arms, rock them to sleep, sing lullabies, read stories… I pray that it is not too far away.  In the meantime, I pray that God will send His Holy Spirit upon me to give me strength and increase my faith as we wait.  Our God is so loving and wonderful…I know He has a plan.

Why do you say, O Jacob,
    and speak, O Israel,
“My way is hidden from the Lord,
    and my right is disregarded by my God”?
Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
    his understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the faint,
    and strengthens the powerless.
Even youths will faint and be weary,
    and the young will fall exhausted;
but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength,
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
    they shall walk and not faint. (Psalm 40:27-31)

An Advent Poem


Waiting with joy
With hope
With great anticipation.

Waiting for peace.
Waiting for Love
Waiting for Joy.

We wait

For loved ones to come home.
For wars to end.
For peace on earth.
For romance.
For love.
For new life.

We wait.

To be together.
To laugh together
To cry together
To remember the past
To look forward to the future
To celebrate.

We Wait.

To celebrate our blessings
Our togetherness
Our hopes
Our dreams.

To celebrate a Baby.
A Baby born in Bethlehem
Many years ago.

A beautiful little Baby
So small
So precious
So innocent
So glorious.

A Baby to warm our hearts
To show us the way
To bring us peace
And love
And joy.

A Baby to bring us everlasting life.

Waiting with joy
To celebrate the Baby
The precious Baby Jesus
The very Son of God.

We wait.

Waiting with hope
With great anticipation
For Him to come again
In all His glorious majesty.

Waiting to share
In His everlasting peace
His everlasting love
His everlasting joy

With our loved ones
With the Angels
With the Saints.

With our Father
With His Son
With the Holy Spirit

Together forever
In the never-ending love
Everlasting Peace
Endless Beauty
Overflowing Joy

The joy of the Lord
Surrounded with His love
Forever and Ever in Heaven
All because of a Baby.

We wait.