Never Hunger

A few weeks ago we were singing “Eat This Bread” as our Communion hymn during Mass. It is a familiar hymn, one that I have sung countless times. And yet on this particular Sunday it hit me in a new light.

Eat this bread, drink this up, come to me and never be hungry.

Eat this bread, drink this cup, trust in me and you will not thirst.

These words sung over and over in the refrain come from the Gospel of John, Chapter 6.

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. (John 6:35)

They are simple words. And yet, as often seems to be the case, a deep and profound meaning comes forth from these few words. Jesus is the bread of life! And whoever comes to Him will never hunger; never thirst.

Never hunger. Never thirst.

What is it that we hunger and thirst for? Perhaps someone hungers for a big promotion at work. Or maybe someone is thirsting to meet that special someone who might one day be their spouse. We hunger and thirst for many things throughout the day and throughout our lives.  These hungers, these thirsts, these desires within us leave us aching feeling that seems to be ever present. A feeling that something is missing. My heart hungers for a child. And while I might try to ignore the ache, it is still there. That constant, aching hunger is exhausting. That thirsting leaves you tired. Yet we keep at it,   forging ahead doing whatever we can to alleviate the hunger; to conquer our thirst.

The Lord wants what is best for us. He knows what is best for us. While the things that we hunger and thirst for might be worthy causes, we cannot let these desires come before the Lord. When we place our hope and our trust 100% in the Lord, there is no more hunger! Because to trust so deeply in Him means knowing beyond a doubt that He has a plan. If the desires of our hearts were placed there by the Lord, then we should be able to fully trust that He will fulfil them! And if these desires do not come to us from the Lord, then we should trust in Him to change our hearts and open us up to His will. There is no need for me to hunger so deeply for a child when I know that God is the Creator of life! He has a plan for me and my family far greater than I can think of.

Being only human, it is hard to completely let go of all those hungers and thirsts, big and small, throughout our day to day life. To let go of all of that and fill our lives instead with Christ is a noble task, but a difficult one.

How do we go about relieving this hunger? Jesus says to come to Him, to believe in Him. How can we do this in a practical way? We can spend more time in prayer, set aside quiet time to read and reflect upon the Word of God in Scripture, and take count of our blessings rather than focus on the things we lack.

But perhaps the best way to help us grow closer to Christ, to fill our heart, soul, and in fact our entire being with Him, is through the miraculous Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Jesus tells us,

“Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.” John 6:56

To partake in the gift of the Eucharist is to abide in the Lord and to welcome Him into our very selves in the most beautiful and complete way. Through Holy Communion, we are able to let go of all other hungers, all other thirsts, and to focus solely on Christ, physically present there with us.  In this way, we truly fill our souls with Him and His love. Jesus is the bread of life. To eat of this bread means that we will no longer be hungry. Through this most holy Sacrament, we are given the strength to let go of all our desires and to be filled with Jesus. Through this beautiful gift of the Eucharist, we no longer hunger or thirst because we are filled completely with everything that we need: Jesus Christ our Lord.

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5 thoughts on “Never Hunger

  1. SR July 20, 2015 at 4:57 pm Reply

    This post and video was beautiful! There is not one other word I can say to this, which will add to it in any form or fashion. Glad you are back! I need you sometimes and your wisdom. Love and God Bless, SR

    • rosesnearrunningwaters July 20, 2015 at 6:00 pm Reply

      Thank you SR! I always feel that I can’t write unless the Lord puts something on my heart to write about, and when I try to force myself to post something, it is never the same as when I let Him lead. I really wanted to write today but couldn’t think of anything so I asked Him to show me and then remembered my reaction to this song a few weeks back. The Eucharist never fails to inspire :). Love & blessings to you!

  2. Peter August 18, 2015 at 6:00 am Reply

    Just came across you for which I am grateful. Much wisdom there. Keep following the path on which God is leading you. Remember they are His words and not your own. He will show you what He wants you to write you cannot “force yourself to write”. Pax tecum

    • rosesnearrunningwaters August 18, 2015 at 12:10 pm Reply

      Thank you for your comment. It is very true. I sometimes think that I am overdo for a post but that is exactly it, I just cannot force myself to write unless I feel really moved to write on something. Thank you again for stopping by and reading! God Bless!

  3. SR August 18, 2015 at 7:00 pm Reply

    Well I for one will be glad when you are, “MOVED!” 🙂 Miss ya and it was good to see you “snooping” around today! Love ya and God Bless, SR

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